About 71% of US Voters support Biden’s travel ban in Africa

Biden has recently come up with a travel ban which has been labelled by the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres as a “travel apartheid” against people in these already struggling African economies. He says these bans are deeply unfair, punitive, and ineffective, and instead suggest the use of increased testing and proper saftey measures. This ban applies to the countries that detected and reported the virus, but they are being punished for their discovery according to World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Ghebreyesus also claims there is no scientific proof that the virus originated from South Africa. The main concurn with the new Omnicron vairent is that it has very fast and easy trasmission, but even the existing vairents are often bypassing vaccines. US politian Raul Paul condemned the authoritarianism of the bill and stated that it would not work. The bill recived bi-partisan support from both republicans, democrats, and independents. According a poll by Hill-HarrisX poll, Seventy-eight percent of Republicans, 88 percent of Democrats, and 82 percent of independents support Biden’s travel ban to contain the highly contagious omicron variant of coronavirus. The countries which are currently targetted are South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi. Many of these are developing countries in poor shape, many of them rely on trade and travel, and restricting travel will hurt their already struggling economies. The travel ban can also negativly effect the econmies of the western powers by effecting their imports. What is even worse is it restricts the freedom of movement and travel for many people. While we can understand the need for some lockdowns and restrictions, this is too far as it can limit the travel of healthy people, and can limit the access of supplies to these struggling regions which in many cases are not able to do it on their own. In addition, the Omicron virus has not quite as strong symptoms as other varients, and the strain on the economy for these places (with releaivly young people who will not be as effected) and the lack of supplies to stop the virus, would be worse than the people of these countries than just some more people getting the virus. A lot of innocent people are being punished, and it is not like these are the only countries which have it, Europe and even the US itself has the new varient, yet you do not see travel bans to these regions, which leads us to think that the omicron is not really that big of a deal for them. This is not the 1st time the US has done travel bans like this, during the Trump era, the “Muslim Ban” was a ban on people travelling to a large list of countries with Islamic majorites.

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